Saturday, November 26, 2011

U.S. Senate recognized the 75 anniversary of the welfare program of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

This month the LDS church celebrated the 75 anniversary of the welfare program. For 75 years this program has helped those in need in the US as well as throughout the world. This program started during one of the most challenging times in U.S. history. It started during the great depression. This is funded by members fast offerings. Members of the church fast 2 consecutive meals a month and donate the money they would have spent on the food they would have eaten had they not fasted.

I thought that this was awesome how the church got recognized for this. Historically, the church has received more negative publicity than positive. However, during the mid to late 20th century the public began to acknowledge the positive aspects of the church. The intention of the church and those members that donate to this program isn't to receive recognition. Rather they are individuals who go about their lives trying to give back to those in need. This is one of my favorite aspects of the church though. It's constantly trying to find ways to help those in need.

Click here to see the full article.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

In my last post I mentioned that many believe that Mormons aren't Christians. I recently read a website that defends that claim. It's called It explains where that though came from. We, as latter day saints, believe that Jesus is the son of Heavenly Father. We also believe that Satan is a son of Heavenly Father too. This makes Jesus and Satan brothers. How it's being misunderstood by some is that by believing this, we are putting Jesus and Satan on the same level and therefore not believing in Jesus' power as the savior of all mankind. This is straight up false and I can't believe anyone really thinks this about Mormons. We believe that in the beginning Satan was good and that he was called, "The Sun of the morning". Later he rebelled and was cast out of Heavenly Fathers presence, along with those that followed him. Here is a little information on the subject.

Q. What about the Jesus and Satan being brothers claim?
Mormons believe God created all things. We are his children.  Jesus and Satan were both sons of God in the beginning, and thus it is technically correct that Mormons believe Jesus and Satan once were brothers–in this sense.  However, Jesus chose to honor and glorify his Father while Satan chose to rebel against and dishonor Him.  Jesus and Satan are polar opposites–literally as different as any two individuals can possibly be.  We too are all sons and daughters of God, though you are just as related to Mother Theresa as you are to Adolf Hitler.

File:Brother of lucifer photo 2.jpg

Here is what was said about the Jesus and Satan on that website.

Q. What do Mormons believe about Satan?
Mormons believe that Satan was also one of God’s children. He was once a great angel who rebelled against our Heavenly Father and was thrown out of God’s presence, with all spirits who followed him.  He is now our Adversary, the Father of Lies.  He tempts all humanity to sin and turn against our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  He has essentially renounced and abandoned his rights as a child of God and as our spirit brother.  He has left the family, so to speak.
Q. What do Mormons believe about Jesus?
Mormons believe that Jesus is one of God’s children, though perfected and glorified. He is the divine Son of God, the Redeemer and Savior. He is part of the Godhead, but defers to the Father. They have a relationship of perfect love, harmony, and unity of purpose. On Earth, He taught the Gospel to all who would believe Him, suffered and died for our sins, and was resurrected, all as the Bible and other LDS scriptures testify.  It is only through Hisatoning sacrifice and His grace that we can return to our Father in Heaven.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Mormonism from a non-mormon

Check out this description of the LDS church. Mormonism on CNN. This video is one of the few accurate videos of the church. I found this while reading about Mitt Romney being criticized for not being a christian by pastor Robert Jeffress. He stated that Mitt wasn't a christian. This idea of Mormons not being Christians is fascinating to me. 

I had heard people claiming this in the past, but to have a famous pastor come out and say it is simply ignorant. Anyone that has researched anything about the church knows that it is a christian church despite the difference in beliefs. The church itself is called The Church of JESUS CHRIST of Latter Day Saints. Growing up in the church that's the main thing we talked about. Every sacrament service, Sunday school lesson, or class was centered around the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary a Christian is, "one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ" Based on this definition we are, in fact Christians. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

Stephen Colbert on Mormons

I saw this video a few weeks ago and loved it. I couldn't find it on YouTube, but  I was able to find it on his website.

I thought that this video showed a positive view of Mormonism and of Mitt Romney. Still the majority of people think that mormons are "weird". Stephen Colbert is hilarious and i love how he uses humor to show how people are idiots for thinking Mormons are weird.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A little intro

There are a few reasons why I wanted to do a blog on Mormonism. The first reason is because I am one. I believe it, I live it and I love it. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is a major part of who I am. The second reason is because as a Mormon I feel very misunderstood by the general public at times. I will be posting  articles and videos about Mormonism that I find in the media. I will also be answering some of the most common questions that I hear from those questioning the religion.